Isabella’s Story

Isabella's Testimony

Natural hair wigs specifically designed for those women who suffer from alopecia

Can you tell us something about yourself?

My name is Isabella and I’m a social worker. I’m 33
and have a beautiful one-year-old daughter. I started
losing my hair – very slowly – when I was 15.

Did someone send you to us?

I found out about Fair Fashion through my hairdresser,
who told me about Luxury Net at the beginning
of 2019.

Did you have any doubts or fears before wearing Luxury Net?

I thought it would need a lot of monthly maintenance, and I was worried people would notice it wasn’t my own hair.

Why did you decide to try Luxury Net?

To make myself feel more attractive and self-confident in general.

How did you feel the first time you wore Luxury Net?

When I looked in the mirror and saw myself from a few years back, I was so happy I started to cry. It was wonderful to feel the “weight” of the hair on my head.

And how did you feel afterwards?

After just a few days it was as if I’d always worn Luxury Net.

How do you manage Luxury Net from day to day?

I wash my hair as normal three times a week, straighten it and style it as if it was my own. I didn’t think it would be so easy to manage.

How did you wear your hair before using Luxury Net?

I always used to tie it back.

Do you do things now that you used to deny yourself?

Life is the same, but I’m happier!

How did your friends and family react when they saw you with Luxury Net?

They all knew about my intention to try Luxury Net, but when they saw me, they were all curious to know how it managed to blend with my own hair so well.

Has anyone you’ve met recently noticed you’re wearing a hairpiece?

No, no-one!

With Luxury Net have your relationships improved?

Yes, because I feel more attractive and self-confident.

So your social relationships have changed?

My professional relationships in particular, thanks to my new              self-confidence.

Do you think you could do without Luxury Net now?

I doubt it!

Would you recommend Luxury Net to other women with thinning hair?

I’d recommend it to all women who suffer from thinning hair and who want to feel attractive again!